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move files

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} mv {} dest/path

search depth

to stay in the current folder when searching, use -d for the depth, or change it to search through more levels of directories:

find . -type f -d 1

find incomplete / dead rsync transfers

find them:

find /mnt/media/ -type f -iname ".*.*.??????" -ls

delete them:

find /mnt/media/ -type f -iname ".*.*.??????" -delete

delete files that don't match pattern

assuming you have a folder full of files and you only want to keep all files starting with us- and ca- and delete all others:

find . -type f ! -name 'us-*' ! -name 'ca-*' -print0 | xargs -0 rm

find 0 byte files

… you may want to double check if you actually want to delete them, but I had some conflicts in syncthing and checked for them manually

find /data -size 0

find files older than n

files changed in the last day:

find . -mtime -1

files older than 365 days:

find ~/Library/Preferences -mtime +365

you can also add time units +365h:

s       second
m       minute (60 seconds)
h       hour (60 minutes)
d       day (24 hours)
w       week (7 days)