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log / syslog

I run these commands on macOS.

info and debug logs

you can always pass --info and/or --debug to get more detailed output

filter logs for the last n seconds/minutes/hours

log show --last 10s
log show --last 1m
log show --last 1h

get sleep wake reasons and times

from the past 12 hours. check the man page for more information: man log

you can do things like `--last 2d for days and so on.

log show --last 12h --style syslog | fgrep "powerd:sleepWake]"

filter logs for specific subsystem

log show --predicate 'subsystem == ""' --info

exclude process(es) from log output

log stream --predicate 'process != "mds" AND process != "dasd"' --info

stream logs

log stream --predicate 'subsystem == ""' --info