check cloudflare access configuration¶
zero trust, right? this script will iterate through all configured Cloudflare Access domains and checks if there's either a redirect to the identity provider (IdP) in place or a 403 status code returned in case it's using service authentication.
make sure to have jq
installed to use this script.
I'm executing this on a mac and have my Cloudflare API key stored in with the name cloudflare read only api
. If you create a (read only) Cloudflare API token and save it as cloudflare read only api
in your Keychain the script will just work, otherwise you need to adapt the hosts=
line with your own token/keychain thing.
access_name="" # your cloudflare zero trust team name
account_id="1234foobar" # your cloudflare account ID
hosts=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $(/usr/bin/security find-generic-password -l "cloudflare read only api" -w)" -H "Content-Type:application/json" "$account_id/access/apps" | jq -r '.result[].self_hosted_domains | .[]?')
for host in $hosts; do
echo -en "checking \033[1m$host\033[0m: "
response=$(curl -sSI -X GET -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code} %{redirect_url}" "https://$host/")
status_code=$(echo "$response" | awk '{print $1}')
redirect_url=$(echo "$response" | awk '{print $2}')
if [ "$status_code" = "403" ]; then
echo -e "status code: \033[1m$status_code\033[0m ✅"
elif [ -n "$redirect_url" ]; then
if [[ "$redirect_url" == https://"$access_name"/* ]]; then
echo "redirected to IdP ✅"
echo "❌"
echo -e "status code: \033[1m$status_code\033[0m NO redirect ❌❌❌"