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ip, ipconfig, ifconfig, netplan

let's get used to ip instead of ifconfig. d'oh

display bandwidth usage

ip -s -h link

just for a single device (man I get get used to this ip command...)

ip -s -h link show dev eth0

thank you

check ip route

ip route get 2606:4700::6812:7361
2606:4700::6812:7361 from :: via fe80::fc00:3ff:fed2:ba70 dev enp1s0 proto ra src 2001:abcd:abcd::100 metric 100 mtu 1500 pref medium
ip route get 2a01:4f8:c0c:bd0a::1
2a01:4f8:c0c:bd0a::1 from :: via fe80::fc00:3ff:fed2:ba70 dev enp1s0 proto ra src 2a05:abcd:abcd::ba70 metric 100 mtu 1500 pref medium

set source address

first, note down the current routing table, you might want to note down the default gateway address with this command as well. It might come in handy depending on your setup.

omit the -6 for ipv4

ip -6 route # note the default gateway down, fe80::1 in my example

next, see inline comments

ip -6 route del default # delete default gateway
ip -6 addr add 2001:abcd:abcd::2 dev eth0 # add your new source address
ip -6 route add default via fe80::1 src 2001:abcd:abcd::2 dev eth0 # set your new default gateway with a specific source address 

get IPv6 default route

replace enp0s3 with your network interface

rdisc6 -1 enp0s3|grep from

you can use the output in a netplan config then, like so. For example if you want to configure IPv6 with Oracle Cloud:

            dhcp4: true
              - 2603:1234:1234:beef::/128
            gateway6: fe80::200:17ff:fe63:44c5
            set-name: enp0s3
    version: 2

set IPv6 source address

ip -6 route add default via fe80::fc00:3ff:fed2:ba70 src 11fb:3f20:c466:5c32:0938:d2f5:ea52:aa3c dev enp1s0 metric 1